True North Consultants, Inc. Charity Challenge participation is open by invitation only to individuals age 18 or older.
A link will be provided to the True North Consultants, Inc. Charity Challenge website to sign up for the 15th Anniversary Charity Challenge. The required information shall include the participant’s full name, a charity selection from the provided list, and completion of an NCAA® Basketball Bracket. Before completing their bracket or brackets, participants must select a charity from the provided list of registered 501(c)3 organizations. Participants must also complete a full bracket before the 2025 NCAA® Basketball Tournaments. No submissions or alterations of brackets and charity selections after this time will be accepted. CBS Sport’s Bracket Manager will impose the submission deadline. True North Consultants, Inc. will accept no purchase or monetary donation on behalf of Charity Challenge participants.
True North Consultants, Inc. will utilize CBS Sports Bracket Manager to maintain, manage, and calculate all point totals and results of the tournaments. All participant entries will be made through the CBS Sports Bracket Manager. All CBS Sports Bracket Manager rules and regulations apply to each entry.
The participants who acquire the most points for the Men’s and Women’s bracket, as calculated by the CBS Sports Bracket Manager, will be deemed the winners at the conclusion of the tournaments. True North Consultants, Inc. will notify the winning participant’s selected charity and a donation of $2,500 (two thousand five hundred dollars) each, for a total of $5,000 (five thousand dollars) will be made directly by True North Consultants, Inc.
All proceeds from the Charity Challenge will benefit the charity selected by the winning participants. No proceeds or gifts will be dispersed to the winning participants.
Participating in this Charity Challenge verifies that he/she is not violating local laws, organizational ethics, company policies, or any other regulations or policies that may prohibit participation in this event. Participation is voluntary and should be completed at times considered appropriate by their corresponding organizations or companies.
Participants’ contact information is confidential and will not be shared with any 3rd parties. Participation in the charity brackets authorizes True North Consultants, Inc. to make future contact with participants for informational purposes regarding this event and future Charity Challenges. Only participant names will be displayed in the Charity Challenge brackets as posted on the CBS Sport’s Bracket Manager website and the True North Consultants, Inc. website leaderboard. Participant contact information, including company name, email address, and phone number, will be kept from other participants.
True North Consultants, Inc. and associated charities assume no liability for participants’ participation in this event. All decisions related to the interpretation/enforcement of these rules and regulations shall be made by True North Consultants, Inc., and will be final.
Based upon interpretation, it is True North Consultants, Inc.’s opinion that this Charity Challenge conforms with the intent of the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act (5 ILCS 430).
Void where prohibited by law. True North Consultants, Inc. reserves the right to change these Rules and Regulations at any time and without notice to anyone. However, any changes made will be updated immediately on our website through this page.